Initiating change towards a new world
Change does not come so easily, most certainly not for a society that has been conditioned to perpetuate a debilitating lifestyle for millennia. Humans are very versatile and have a great ability to adapt to extremes, and this is exactly what we have done since our conception, be it at a great cost. Changing the future starts with changing ourselves and with recognizing that there are parts of us that need to heal so that we can allow our inner child to evolve, integrate and transcend its traumas permanently. Only then will the following generations be able to live their lives fully aware of whom and what they are in order to pass on the virtues they have accumulated during a satisfying and meaningful life.
The foundations of this more conducive way of life will need to be based upon certain ethical and moral values that humanity as a collective will have to master in order to evolve spiritually. This is truly the only way that will enable us to begin the healing process as a collective. In order to change our DNA and to prevent perpetuating our traumatic heritage towards future generations, we really must recognize and allow for the re-introduction of these ethical and moral values that have been destroyed, purposefully denied or have yet to be integrated within humanity.
A new world can only be built for and by the people who know that there is more to life than what they have been told. A community of people from all countries, backgrounds, professions, languages, cultures, and ages. A world in which there will be no division, and all will be regarded as equal, professors and street sweepers alike. Scientific evolution is to be promoted, but only for the benefit of humanity and with respect for nature. Social status and material wealth will no longer be the measure of success in life.
A new way of experiencing life with a focus on our collective connection with Source and with each other, with the beauty of nature and the sacredness of all life. A humanistic and non-violent way of being in which The Way to the Heart will be the primary goal for all.
The past has taught me a lot of valuable lessons, so much so that the future gives me hope that we can definitely leave these troubled times behind us for good. As we have now understood that our traumas are caused by misguided humans, arising from our earliest ancestors, we see that our evolution was crippled from day one of our creation.
Up until now, we have never been able to use our brains to evolve into cooperative and altruistic human beings. Instead, we have been coerced to perpetuate our low animal instinct of sex and aggression, which has wounded us from the beginning and is the origin of our traumas. When we have recognized and acknowledged our past and have worked through our traumas, we will no longer have anything to hide, and we become free to develop our innate gifts.
The path towards this new world flows through a succession of universal ethics and moral values that will assist humanity’s ability to learn and to make this new world come to fruition. This is the ability to love and to live in unity and in coexistence with all that is.
Humanity’s Collective Spiritual Evolution will begin when we become Self-aware and Self-Conscious. Through elevating our Conscious Attention, we can begin to see and feel the beauty of reality birthing a sense of Gratitude for our existence. In order to become Self-aware, devotion and introspection are required to gain control over our emotions and our ego personality. This introduction to Self-Discovery will herald our true Identity and pave the path towards further embracing an Altruistic lifestyle.
As we progress on this path, the importance of meditation becomes more prevalent, and we start to observe our Inner Reality more. All-encompassing Altruism will find translation in Selflessness and Humility and when we begin to see others for who they intrinsically are, we will evolve towards Inclusiveness, which is the first aspiration towards Peaceful Cohabitation.
Following Inner Observation is Outer Observation which constitutes the observation of what exists outside of our body and of that which we perceive with our five worldly senses. Observation without condemnation leads to Wholesome Collaboration with all that exists in our outer world. This is not to say that we should passively allow for negative energies to manifest because we should always speak up in the presence of injustice. It means that we can simply observe our surroundings without having to judge or comment on anything and allow reality to unfold without feeling the urge to intervene. However, if we wish to achieve something, we will have to act. Prayer alone will not suffice.
As one becomes aware of the benefits of Service to Self and others, Holism becomes the inevitable result of mutual Respect and acceptance of Equality.
The holistic model whereby this new reality will be driven is called “Symbiotic Contributionism” and this will be the core principle whereby all people will be able to live a worriless life. It will be a way of life that emphasizes Freedom and Honesty, Empathy and Universal Love, Health and Integrity, Compassion and Forgiveness, and above all, Truth and Unity.
Integrating these worth-living-for principles will enable humanity to grow into a global community whereby heart-based living leads to Social Coherence and Co-Creative Intelligence wherein all will thrive. Embodying and practicing these newly introduced ethics and morals will lead us to the doorstep of Self-Realization. A portal to enter for those who wish to explore their Inner Divinity.
There is no use in challenging the current paradigm, the only way to initiate change is to create a new model for ourselves.
Welcome to Satya Advaya – an opportunity for those who wish to be part of evolving into the next level of our humanness – in Truth and Unity.
In Service,
Guy Baeten
Founder and Chair
Satya Advaya Communities