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The Need for Community in Our Lives

Investing in somewhere instead of trying to be everywhere

“We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race.” – Cicero


Trees, people, nature, and all living systems are connected in unseen ways. Connections matter. A sense of security, support, love, and acknowledgment helps to give us a feeling of purpose and mental safety, and stability. As important as it is for a person to love themselves, it is equally important to feel loved and wanted by others. Human connections and communities allow humans to relate and learn from one another in order to understand what it takes to be mentally healthy.

Spiritual Community

Why would we want to live in a “spiritual” community?

In an ever-evolving world, the human spirit continually seeks solace and meaning in the interconnectedness of life. One profound way to satisfy this fundamental quest is by joining a spiritual community. Such communities offer a vast array of benefits that encompass spiritual, humanitarian, universal, physical and mental health, peace of mind, environmental stewardship, moral and ethical guidance, financial well-being, vibrant community life, and a boundless love for all beings. The profound merits of participating in a spiritual community extend far beyond personal enrichment, making a profound impact on individuals and the world.

Satya Advaya provides an oasis for nurturing one’s inner self. We offer a space for introspection, meditation, and contemplation. By connecting with like-minded individuals and engaging in rituals and practices that encourage spiritual growth, our community will cultivate a profound sense of purpose. The spiritual dimension of life becomes more vivid, helping individuals transcend mundane concerns and explore their higher self.

Participation in a spiritual community often goes hand in hand with humanitarian initiatives. The shared belief in love, compassion, and service to others drives members to engage in various charitable and philanthropic activities. These efforts, rooted in the belief that all beings are interconnected, result in significant improvements in the lives of those in need, fostering a sense of shared responsibility and empathy for all humanity.

Our community promotes a sense of universal unity. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life forms, transcending boundaries of race, nationality, and religion. Satya Advaya underscores the fundamental truth that all humans share the same basic needs, desires, and aspirations. This broader perspective fosters tolerance, harmony, and a desire to work together for the common good.

The positive impact of spiritual communities on physical and mental health cannot be understated. Many spiritual practices, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, have been scientifically proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. In addition, spiritual communities often promote healthy lifestyles, encouraging practices such as vegetarianism, exercise, and regular sleep patterns that enhance physical well-being. The resulting balance of body and mind empowers individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Joining a spiritual community provides a profound sense of peace and tranquility. It offers a sanctuary where individuals can seek solace from the stresses of daily life. The support and guidance of the community, coupled with spiritual practices, grant individuals a sense of inner peace that can transcend life’s challenges. This inner peace, in turn, radiates outward, fostering greater peace within the larger community and beyond.

Satya Advaya advocates for environmental stewardship as part of their ethical and moral principles. We emphasize the sanctity of the natural world and the responsibility to protect it. We are engaging in eco-friendly practices, such as sustainable living, recycling, and supporting conservation efforts. By participating in these initiatives, members contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment for all living beings.

Satya Advaya also serves as a moral compass, guiding individuals toward a life founded on ethical principles and values. Our tenets include the adherence to principles like non-violence, truth, unity, compassion, and humility. Members are encouraged to live by these values daily, which leads to more harmonious relationships, greater personal integrity, and a profound sense of fulfillment.

Being part of a spiritual community fosters a rich and vibrant community life. Members experience a deep sense of belonging and interconnectedness with others who share their beliefs and values. This sense of community provides a social safety net, creating bonds that extend far beyond common interests. The community becomes a source of friendship, emotional support, and a sense of home, helping members navigate the challenges of life with grace and resilience.

One of the most profound benefits of joining a spiritual community is the cultivation of universal love and compassion. The teachings and practices within Satya Advaya emphasizes that love should extend to all humans and all animal life. This love transcends personal biases, cultural differences, and even species, promoting a deep and abiding respect for all sentient beings. It encourages a lifestyle characterized by kindness, empathy, and a commitment to alleviating suffering wherever it may be found.

In a world marked by division, chaos, and uncertainty, the importance of joining a spiritual community cannot be overstated. It provides a sanctuary for the soul, nurturing a profound sense of purpose and interconnectedness. Through spiritual growth, humanitarian efforts, universal unity, enhanced physical and mental health, peace of mind, environmental stewardship, moral and ethical guidance, financial stability, vibrant community life, and universal love, our community empowers individuals to lead more meaningful lives and contribute to a better world.

Ultimately, joining a spiritual community offers a path towards a life that is not only personally fulfilling but also deeply rooted in the values of compassion, love, and service to all beings. It is a journey that transcends the self and reaches out to embrace the entire universe in an unending bond of love and unity.

The Way to the Heart

A New Way of Life

Satya Advaya envisions a new way of life  – The Way to the Heart – in which humanity lives with an open heart and crisis-free. A way for all of us to embody our individual gifts and fulfill our purpose of evolving consciousness to the next level. We can make a commitment to lovingness as a way of being that nurtures and supports life in all its expressions. A lovingness that sees the Divinity in all things as it moves up to an even higher level where it begins to see perfection in all life. Our purpose is to bring together people and build communities where love flows freely through our heart centers and where we live in harmony with nature and all living creatures in a humanistic and non-violent way.

Honoring the sustainability of our planet and our covenant with life itself. A way of life in which we aspire to evolve consciousness, expand its meaning, and inspire each other’s evolution into the sacred. A new paradigm in which people will be free of psychosomatic illness and are physically as healthy as can be. Our well-being will be assured by our alignment with truth. Being free of trauma (hence the trauma center) and being able to heal ourselves of many ailments by means of Source Energy Healing, illness will only be a physical thing hardly finding a way to manifest.

Satya Advaya preludes living independent lives within communities where it will be encouraged to individually embody our thoughts, emotions and actions, allowing us to express our creativity in unprecedented ways, for the betterment of humanity and the preservation of nature and all living beings.

Community is a sign that love is possible in a materialistic world where people so often either ignore or fight each other. It is a sign that we don’t need a lot of money to be happy – in fact, the opposite” – Jean Vanier

The Way to the Heart

Satya Advaya recognizes the laws of the universe. These higher principles will define the guidelines of the community and form a basis for a new social order based on truth. These guidelines based on truth are in alignment with the rights of nature and all people, local and universal, and enable the transition to a heart-based lifestyle. Many people who are not yet ready to make the transition will fret at such guidelines to the degree that they will remain traumatized.  But we should never compromise our expressions of Truth and Unity for the sake of protecting others’ denial.

Re-establishing universal ethics and moral values will dramatically elevate our level of consciousness and allow us to translate the Divine through our true Self. When we grow into our next phase of human evolution, others will be guided by our ethical and altruistic example and as we will lead others into higher consciousness living, we will simultaneously expand our collective consciousness.

“It is not more bigness that should be our goal. We must attempt, rather, to bring people back to the warmth of community, to the worth of individual effort and responsibility, and of individuals working together as a community, to better their lives and their children’s future.” – Robert F. Kennedy

There are many people who speak with the clear voice of truth, trying to find a home in which they will be heard and reflected upon. Satya Advaya is that home where they can, while honoring its ethics and altruistic standards, express themselves without fear of judgment or retaliation. This type of communal life will allow us to evolve consciously, and our inner authority will manifest more openly and grounded in interconnectedness, honoring the benefit of all.

And while Satya Advaya grows into self-sustainable communities, its people will simultaneously embody a new paradigm of being human and help others to do the same. The aim is not only to survive but to thrive and continue to evolve consciousness into new levels of meaning. Our way of life will open a window into the future of our evolution in which humanity will be nurtured and protected by universal laws.

There are a lot of us who are open to this message, spiritual seekers who are living in solitude in the midst of madness. This is a call to action, and it beckons all of those who are in search of truth and a sacred life to join forces. Now is the time to start bringing people together who want to co-invest in a healthy future for themselves, their children, and for humanity as a whole.

Of this we are certain: – The Way to the Heart – holds the ingredients needed for the much-yearned-for profound change in this world.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create thriving self-sustainable communities that incorporate holistic, spiritual & humanistic moral values and ethical principles while living an all-natural lifestyle in Truth and Unity with all life.

Communities, preferably located in or near nature, that strive to create an environment in which people feel at home, accepted and comfortable, without having to be in constant fear of whether or not they will be able to pay the next month’s bills.

Communities with at their core a large Aquaponics farm to provide for all the healthy food required to sustain themselves, and where over-production is sold outside of the community for the single purpose of sustaining and growing the community.

Communities that offer guidance towards elevating awareness and consciousness and that have foundations based on ethical and moral values worth living for.

Communities that provide housing and access to all necessary amenities for free, and where people offer their skills in return. A system of Symbiotic Contributionism that benefits all those participating.

This will ensure food safety and availability, plus a healthy environment to live, work and have our children grow up in.

Living in a self-sustainable community is one thing, but if we want to prevent these communities from sliding back into the same detrimental habits that are perpetuated in the current paradigm, then the human psyche will have to be re-educated in a loving, healing, and humanistic way.

The unlearning of that which we are not must first be initiated if we are to ever re-awaken to our true Selves. This unlearning process cannot be achieved within the current paradigm because the exact opposite is being perpetuated. For all these reasons it is imperative that all community members incorporate the common vocabulary that exists of the 40 values taught in the Devotional Spirituality course.

If this kind of lifestyle sounds appealing to you, then please contact our Members Coordination Center via our contact form and apply for an interview.

First Community Project

Satya Advaya Community Project

The first Satya Advaya community project will take place on the Island of Corfu, Greece. This location was chosen for its abundant nature, its perpetual green and healthy climate, and the beautiful overall atmosphere that the island emanates. The friendly and generous local community allows for a beautiful collaboration and mutually beneficial exchanges.

We have currently identified several plots of land that are suitable for establishing a community and the acquisition of one of these plots will be the next milestone in transforming our vision into reality.


So please, consider donating to our cause and assist in transforming our much needed vision into a reality that will benefit the whole of humanity.

We have subdivided the creation of our community into several projects. Please learn more about our different projects.

For the love of all life.